LinkedIn Q3 Recap: 19M Views + My Top 10 Posts

If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.

African Proverb
[2-min read]

Sometimes, life nudges you onto a new path. After 22 years in corporate leadership, I took a leap into the unknown a few months ago.

Becoming an entrepreneur feels exciting and, at times, daunting. I’ve built my businesses—and my personal brand—entirely from scratch.

On June 5, 2023, I had 1,766 LinkedIn followers—all connections from my corporate days. They didn’t know me as a creator.

Fast forward to the end of Q3, and the number soared to 76,000! I’m beyond grateful for the growing community resonating with my messages.

In just the past 90 days, my posts reached an astonishing 19.2M views.

Here are the best of the best:

The real highlight has been the engagement; behind every comment, share, and like is a person.

In Q3, we had a total of 230,000 interactions, representing a wealth of shared insights and discussions.

From an unknown creator at the start of June to ranking #21 worldwide on LinkedIn (alongside legends like Simon Sinek, Ben Meer & Jade Bonacolta 🤯), the journey has been exhilarating.

Your support is the engine. Every interaction is a step towards a larger conversation, a bigger community.

Thank you for being a part of this amazing journey. Together, we’ll go far.

We're creating a space for meaningful discussions around leadership, personal growth, and transformation.

And if we haven’t connected on LinkedIn yet, come on over 👋.

Here's to an even more engaging Q4!

Keep shining my friends,

P.S. Want to grow your brand on LinkedIn? I’ll teach you the secrets of top creators that helped me grow 43x in just 4 months. Not kidding.

Join me for a 1:1 LinkedIn Growth Session. You’ll come away with specific actions, tools, and strategies to accelerate your growth and monetize your brand.

After our session, one client said: “I saw my community grow 27% and engagement surged 1,265%! These results far exceeded my expectations.”

I have room for 6 more clients in October. Can’t wait to meet you!